Monday, September 28, 2009

Marathon - 12 days to go and counting!

I told you last June that I had decided to train for a marathon. 26.2 miles. At the time it felt very distant and now my friends it is only 12 days away! Holy catfish! The race I entered is the WhistleStop Marathon in Ashland, WI on October 10th and according to their website it will be a gorgeous fall day, running through the woods gazing at the trees that are yellow, red and orange. Sounds perfect!

I've been training diligently and have run as far as 21 miles a week ago. The training program has us starting to taper so Saturday I "only" ran 14 miles and this week our long run is 8 miles. The schedule calls for 5 miles today, but it's cold and really windy out and I hate to tell you this, but I'm going to jump on the elliptical instead of running outside. Sometimes I'm kinda mamsy-pamsy and a fair weather gal. What I'd really like to be doing is putting on my jammies and curling up in front of the fireplace with Harry and a good book!

I'm not nervous about the run yet, however I do feel I should be thinking more about it. I believe it involves a lot of mental toughness and gumpsion. Set goals and stick to it and be willing to not give up. I imagine that I'll have to reach deep inside at some point and find the guts to just make myself do it.

Running a marathon sounds similar to reaching a weight loss goal doesn't it? Set goals, both long range goals and short term goals. Sometimes it feels easy. Sometimes not. Stick to it. Never give up. Have a plan. Work the plan. Hang in there. Surround yourself with a support team. Just make yourself do it. Enjoy the outcome. Create new habits. Sometimes smiling, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning. And in the end proud as all get out that you held tough and accomplished it.

I'll keep you posted - in the meantime keep me in your prayers.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I like this! You just never know....

If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.

-- Fred Rogers, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Did you know that you need hope? We all do. Swiss theologian M.L. Bruner said, “What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of human life.” Just as our physical bodies would die without oxygen, our spirit will suffocate without hope!

I hope for good health and the strength to have habits that help my body to be healthy and strong. I hope for those I care about to find joy, peace and love in their lives. I hope for many things...both complex and simple.

Always hold tight to hope my friends! Hope is our oxygen.

Bacher out.