Tomorrow morning we leave for Ashland so that I can run 26.2 miles on Saturday in the WhistleStop Marathon.
Just for the record... the marathon I signed up for is the one with blue skies, white puffy clouds, pretty fall leaves on the trees and 50 or 60 degree weather. Picture book perfect. Everyone smiling and happy. That unfortunately is not the forecast for Saturday! So much of a distance race is the mental part and I've been struggling with that aspect this week. Trying to prepare myself mentally for the prospect that there is a very good chance that I'll be running for 4.5 hours in the rain and cold, perhaps even snow. I am finding myself revisiting why I decided to do this in the first place. Here's what I've come up with:
* I first wanted to run a marathon when I was 17 years old. I am now 49.... you do the math.
* I am just about finished with one of the most emotionally draining things a person can go through and it's lasted almost 10 years. It was a marathon in itself and I am almost finished with it. 26.2 miles will be a walk in the park in comparison.
* I have been training to run this marathon for longer than I actually acknowledged it. It began in January 2006, I just didn't know it then. Therefore I am in the best physical condition I have ever been in, in my entire life.
* I want to "check" it off my list. I'm big on lists - refer to my post from the first of the year.
* I have had great support from friends and loved ones.
* I want to make certain people proud of me... including myself.
* This is not something I could ever do on my own. This is a gift of health and endurance from God and I am thankful of that daily.
* Just as eating healthy has become a lifestyle for me, running has as well. I like it.
* My dad will have fun telling people I did it. I like that.
* I have moxy. Whatever that means.
Wish me well my friends! I'll keep you posted.
Bacher out.