1. I started a great new job last October requiring me to move to NYC. this has been a major change.
2. My weight is up. Nine pounds over my Weight Watchers goal weight to be exact. My clothes fit funny.
3. I think I'm eating healthy, but I haven't sat down lately and really looked at what I'm actually eating.
4. I think I'm moving during my day, but my Virgin Health pedometer often tells me differently.
5. I think my portions are appropriate, but I haven't actually measured them lately.
6. I think I'm getting enough water, but at my recent doctor visit she said my biometrics showed that I was slightly dehydrated.
7. I realized I haven't made a blog post since 2012.
It's time to revisit all those areas! It's time to pick up where I left off with this blog! For awhile you may see some oldies (but goodies) reposted but we'll move forward with fresh thoughts very soon.
We can do this together.
It's good to be back!