Saturday, February 16, 2008

Waterfall Tour via Snowshoes

'In the solitude of a winter landscape you might expect the sound of falling water to be absorbed by the cushioning buffer of a carpet of snow. But what you hear actually is more pronounced, due, perhaps, to the absence of much competition save for the faint clomp of your snowshoes.'

I was so intrigued as I read the above excerpt while researching snowshoeing! Can you see yourself tromping along through the snow with the reward being a beautiful waterfall tucked back in the woods? I want to go there.... I'm going to go there!

It's so very appealing that I MUST share this golden nugget with you! Check it out at

Several years ago, we traveled to many of the waterfalls on the tour during the summer months and it was a blast. We took along a picnic lunch and it was great fun, so if you are unable to make it during the winter... it's a great summer activity also.

(Feeling stressed? A day in a place like this will help! Can't physically go today? Then close your eyes, take a few deep breaths releasing slowly and imagine yourself there. The mini vacation can be a great tool to expel pent up emotions and energy.)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Count me in! Let's go!