Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a HoliDAY...not a HoliWEEK!

Tomorrow is the big day, my friends. Are you ready? Do you have your plan in place? Have you mentally rehearsed? Can you see yourself ending the day feeling SATISFIED and happy about what you ate versus stuffed, uncomfortable and miserable?

A few tips and reminders...
Eat something for breakfast. Don't head into the event starved or you're headed for a feeding frenzy and before you know it you'll be out of control.

Make time to excercise. Go for a walk, go to the gym, turn on some music and dance.

Take SMALL amounts of the annual things you love and eat them slowly. Savor them. (Don't let yourself feel deprived over missing something you really want.)

Fill the rest of your plate with low energy density foods - low cal stuff that fills you up. Fruits, veggies, white meat.

Eat slowly. Allow your brain and stomach to talk to each other about your comfort level.

Use the technique of leaving space on the plate in between each food item.

Drink water before you get started. Stay well hydrated throughout the day. Not only is it filling; but it helps with the feeling of being satisfied.

Eat slowly.

Wait before you eat dessert. Are you REALLY still hungry? Do you really want it? Is it WORTH the 10 - 15 points? Perhaps 2 or 3 bites is all you need. Just a taste. Maybe not at all. After all, we all know what it tastes like already! (And many times we THINK it's going to taste way better than it actually does.)

Have I said yet that you should eat slowly?

Focus on the people! Your loved ones. Talk, laugh, enjoy them. Enjoy the day and all the parts that are not associated with food.

You CAN do this successfully and you'll be glad that you are on track at the scale. And's a HoliDAY. It's not a HoliWEEK. Right back to program and healthy eating the next day.

Be thankful for all your blessings.
God is good.

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