Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Memorial Day vs Memory Day

As I think ahead to this holiday weekend I find myself bombarded with memories that touch both ends of the happiness scale.  I am saddened at the loss of my Grandma this past year, but happy when I think of her easy to invoke laughter.  I am soaring with joy as we celebrate my daughter's graduation, but it is tempered with both pride and sadness as I am reminded that she'll be leaving for two years in Honduras soon.  

Suddenly it feels like Memorial Day isn't just about those who have already passed on to God's abundant life, but also about the events and people who have been in our lives and who have made us who we are today.  

Perhaps not Memorial Day.... but Memory Day.  Hmmmmmm - food for thought.

Bacher out.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Biggest Loser comments and thoughts

I am tuned in to week 18 of the Biggest Loser.  They have sent the final four home to their families and are recapping their original weigh ins in front of their friends and families.  As I see their emotions as they went from pre-weight to current weight it brings tears to my eyes.  I can relate to much of what they are feeling.  My pre-weight and subsequent loss was not as dramatic as theirs, but the emotions of success and having a new life are still very real and fresh for me.

They have to run a marathon as their final challenge.  They are learning how to eat in their "at home" world.  Healthy food, healthy recipes, portion control.

"This is about you, it's not about them.  Let's get out of here and get an early day in the gym."
"Once you decide you're worth it, you can do it."
"Once you ask for help you'll get everything you need."

One of the contestants struggles with eating at night because he is stressed out or worried about something.  He realizes what he's doing but has a hard time stopping nonetheless.

My life is very different than it was five years ago in many ways.  Healthy food and exercise are priorities now.  Today I walked for an hour in the morning with a friend and then rode my bike over 13 miles in the afternoon on the way home from work.  But I also sit here and fight eating because I'm bored, lonely, tired.  Like the contestant, I recognize what I'm doing, but still fight it.  For a long time it had gotten much easier, it is a tough period the past 5 months.  Why?  I don't know, but I'm fighting it and I'm not giving in, because I've worked too hard to get here, and I enjoy my new lifestyle, body and healthy choices.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Bacher out.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A new look!

It's time for a new look!  Polka dots are so fun!

DDPP - 80 minutes of unleashed dancing glory!

When I was in Minneapolis last week for Kari's graduation from the U, Lindsay (alias DJ Lux) took me with her to Dance Dance Party Party (DDPP) for a fun night.  It's held every Thursday night - and here's the deal:  No booze, no boys, no judgement (especially no judging yourself!) and no talking.  

Just 80 minutes of unleashed dancing glory.   It was great exercise and tons of fun.  What a great group of dancing gals who I look forward to seeing again in June!   

Like Daughter, Like Mother

It’s almost Mother’s Day. Some people buy their moms flowers, others take them out for a nice dinner. But DJ Lux decided to give her mom a big bouquet of booty shakin’.
That’s right; tonight DJ Lux came with Mama Lux in tow. And you know what? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; Mama Lux shook it, both by herself and with her daughter (which was freakin’ adorable!). I’m so proud of her, I was thinking of getting this tattoo to commemorate her awesomeness:
And it only got better, because DJ Lux cranked out another 80 minutes of incredible dance tunes. Some were shout outs to her mom, and all of them got us ladies in the groove. So ladies, if you want to give your mom something special, give her the gift of dance. Thanks again, DJ Lux! You are a three-scoop sundae of wonderful!
Tune in next week, when we have special Chicago DDPP DJ Sex Frosting working the tables. Not only that, but DJ Lux’s sister and dance vet extraordinaire, Kari, will be making a final appearance before she leaves us for Honduras. Let’s show them a warm welcome and fond goodbye next week!
Until then, the mix any mother would be proud of:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty?

There is much discussion and theorizing about our view on life according to how we rate what is left in our glass.  Is it half full or is it half empty?  Well I tend to be a half full kind of gal when it comes to how I view life, but when I was trying to decide if I should run a 1/2 marathon instead of the full... well let's just say I really struggled.  My glass was half empty when it came to running the half instead of the full.

I've been struggling with achilles tendon problems for at least 4 or 5 months now and it hurts.  A lot.  It hurts a lot, much of the time.  I thought maybe I wasn't tough enough and I just needed to push through it.  For some reason it just seemed like running only 13.1 miles wasn't good enough!  The glass was half empty, after all I did a full 26.2 last October and I should be able to do it again, darn it!

Well yesterday during our training run I made the decision that I would do the 1/2 Marathon rather than the full.  I know I can do it.  I won't feel like crap when I'm done.  In fact a couple weeks ago after running 16 miles I felt down right chipper.  After the 20 miler however, I felt dead tired for a whole week.  13.1 is the right decision.  The half is good and I'm at peace with my decision.

13.1 is half full, not half empty and life is good once again.

Bacher out.