Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pivotal time in life?

I know that most of my posts are about exercise, food, motivation, etc. and I don't often get into a lot of my personal life, but this week seems to have become a very pivotal time in my life so I feel compelled to write about it.  I knew all these events were coming and yet, I didn't realize until today how important they all really are.  

My oldest daughter, Lindsay, and her wonderful guy,  Andrew, got married on Saturday and it was beautiful and touching.  My son, Erich officiated and did a wonderful job.  Everything went smoothly with no problems on any front.  It was great, even the weather at this outdoor wedding in the park.  I am so very happy for them.

My youngest child, Kari, left Tuesday morning for Honduras.  She is so brave and amazingly adventuresome.  I admire that in her and wish I was stronger in that trait.  Who knows, perhaps I will become more so. 

My oldest child, Erich and his wife, KT, bought a house and had the closing this week.  They are now officially homeowners and as Erich puts it, "able to make the rules."  He grew up hearing, "When you live in our house you live by our rules; when you have your own house you get to make the rules."  He has proudly pointed out that now he (and KT) get to make the rules.  Ha!  I love that guy.

Wow what a week!  I've always considered that my job was to prepare my children for the future, to get them ready to leave home, and to live on their own.  They have been taking steps toward that all along and now, wow.  Huge steps for all of them and all within a four day window of time.

Now I plan to start focusing on new goals for me.  What will they be?

  • Spanish classes finally?  I've talked about becoming fluent for so long I'm sure no one will ever believe this one.  
  • Re-working a tight budget to travel to Honduras soon?
  • Start training for a fall marathon?  Do I want to do another full marathon or are half marathons a better fit?
  • I certainly have things like picture albums, etc. that I could do.  But I don't hear them calling me just yet.  

Hmmmmmm.  Seems it wasn't so long ago that I was thinking, "when I have time I want to..." and now I have time and none of the those things sound appealing any longer.  But I haven't decided just yet what DOES sound appealing.  Any suggestions?

Seems this is a pivotal week and I need to do some deep thinking.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Bellin Run 2010

Tomorrow is the Bellin 10k run/walk.  I'm excited because I have family coming to town to visit and participate in the big event.  Pete and Carla with their littles, Lindsay my soon-to-be-wed daughter, my cousin and aunt are planning to come, my soon-to-depart-for-2-years-in-the-Peace-Corp daughter is here, Harry is home (yay!),  my son & his wife who I thankfully get to see on a regular basis are going to be in it,  lots of friends from the running club and church, you get the idea.  A very "social" event for this social butterfly.

I think what has me the most pumped though is my friend from church, Amy and my daughter Lindsay.

Amy started  walking in January with a goal of finishing the Bellin.  I know she's had "life" challenge her training regimen (dad undergoing chemo, challenges at work, 2 littles & a hubby to care for) but she is registered and plans to walk it.  I promised that after I finish running it, I'm going to find her and finish with her.

Lindsay signed up to walk the Bellin last year and ended up running the whole thing including a little puking at the end (of which she is very proud.)  She's been working out, biking, running, dancing this past year and has improved her fitness level and her time incredibly.  I'm excited for her and hope she has a great run tomorrow.  She's going to rock the Bellin!

They both inspire me and I am so very proud of them.    

Go Amy!  Go Lindsay!  You can do it!