Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Some days we get so frustrated with ourselves. We doubt our abilities and our willpower fades away. We doubt if we have the knowledge to do what we need to do. We eat because we are bored, scared, frustrated, tired, lonely or any variety of reason we really don't want to actually acknowledge or face.

What to do... what to do!?!

When this happens we need to get centered. Back to the basics. Call in the calvary and any other providers of support and strength we can call on. This is NOT A DIET! This is a lifestyle change and that doesn't mean we throw everything that makes our bodies healthy and feel good to the wayside. NO!

  • Call a friend
  • Get up and move
  • Force yourself to concentrate on something positive
  • Make a plan - plan for meals, plan for shopping, plan for exercise
  • Pick something - anything - however small and get it DONE. Get the feeling of accomplishment and success so you can feel good about it.
  • Move on and start over - the next minute is a brand new minute - no need to wait until tomorrow.
  • Pray - fall to your knees and pray.

A dear friend of mine wrote the following prayer and it's awesome:

“O God, you accept and love my prayers

the kind that are like a florist’s arrangement

of perfect cut flowers

each word and sentence chosen and scripted.

But today my prayer is no such bouquet.

But you O God accept and love my prayers

perhaps even more so

the kind that are not prettily arranged and comfortable to see

but are like a single plant violently yanked

by its roots from its bed

and with tears plunked down on your altar

roots, dirt, stem, leaves, blossom, buds and all.

Today my prayer is in sobs and one word sentences

and repetition of the same questions

that cannot be answered.”

Always remember there is a strength within you that waits patiently for you to call upon it.
Be strong my friends.

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