Sunday, April 4, 2010

Filling the Emptiness

Today is Easter Sunday and it was a very good day.  Church, family, friends, a walk in the sunshine.  It was a good day.  Pastor Greg was talking this morning about the empty tomb and that often we try to fill the emptiness in our lives with "stuff".  Alcohol, shopping, drugs, etc.   As he was saying those words, my friend who was sitting next to me and I looked at each other and smiled, because for both of us, it's food.  And we both know it.

I've always said that knowledge is power.  So does knowing that food is my crutch, my so-called drug, my sometime frienemy, make it any easier not to use it as such?  Sometimes.  To be completely honest, sometimes knowing helps and sometimes it doesn't make a smidge of difference.  At least that's been the case in the past.

I'd like to think that recognizing what I'm doing and facing it WILL make a difference in the future.  This is the first that I've been this brutally honest about it, and I think it will make a difference in the future.  I have to face the issues that are really causing the feelings of emptiness and learn to deal with those.  Then the rest should fall into place.

I'll keep you posted.  In the meantime I ran 18 miles yesterday training for the upcoming Cellcom Marathon.  It went better than I anticipated, but I was glad when we finished.  Only a little over a month until the event - it'll be here before I know.  I think we have two 20 mile training runs and a couple scaled back runs between now and then.

Bacher out.


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