Monday, September 15, 2008

Can I Buy Just HALF A Cookie?

We were in a new "goodie" shop where I was oogling the peanut butter cookies ...and in my opinion nothing beats a REALLY good peanut butter cookie! My friend and I laughed after I asked the high school clerk if it was possible to buy only half the cookie; but I was totally serious. Sometimes I only want a bite. Just a taste is enough.

On that same note - my daughter dragged me into the Godiva chocolate store in Minneapolis last weekend. Her plan was simple... they have "samples" - you take one small piece, get a yummy taste and walk out the door. We saved "a mint" (haha) in both cash and calories with this technique. And just a taste was plenty.

Many of you may be tired of hearing about my "3 bite" rule; but I need to say it occasionally if for no other reason than to remind myself of it. Three bites of a "rare sweet" are plenty and here's why: The first bite tastes like you've died and gone to heaven. The second bite is still very, very good. Bite number three is still quite yummy. But by bite number 4 the taste has diminished significantly and it only goes down hill from there. The first 3 bites are the best - so stop after that and you'll have had the best part!

BTW - I came across a blog I've been enjoying and want to share with you also. This guy puts it out there in a way that makes me think and I like that. It also seems that he has the same mindset as I in our approach to food and exercise. Check it out sometime when you get a chance...Rich DiGirolamo's Hey Skinny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at a grocery store yesterday to grab a bite for dinner. I was chatting with the ladies who made the amazingly delicious looking tarts. I said that I would have to come in once I finished dinner to buy one.

Then, out of nowhere, the clerk dished up a quarter of the tart and handed it to me!

I lied and said that I would still have to come in to buy one, but I knew that I was satisfied with my taste and wouldn't need an entire tart!

It certainly doesn't hurt to ask for a taste.