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A place to find encouragement and support for a healthy lifestyle written by one who continuously tries to walk the walk.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Cutting the Cake
Thursday, July 1, 2010
5 Power Foods
The following snippet was sent to me from my health insurance company and they are big, big, big on eating healthy and moving more. I thought it was a good piece and am therefore sharing it with you. Oatmeal with blueberries, anyone?
from the editors of Healthy Cooking
The right foods can do so much more than satisfy hunger. Some foods are so powerful, they fuel our body, pack our diets with nutrients and protect our health.
Here are five power foods you can add to your diet today:
- Blueberries. These bright berries have cancer-fighting properties and can also help improve memory. An added bonus? They provide fiber and beta-carotene.
- Spinach. This leafy green is known to help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. And, the magnesium in spinach helps to lower high blood pressure.
- Oats. Known to decrease the risk of heart disease, oats also provide fiber and protein. Eating oatmeal on a regular basis may decrease insulin resistance and help stabilize blood sugar.
- Salmon. Salmon is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which studies have identified as the most beneficial of omega-3s. It also helps keep your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and triglycerides.
- Walnuts. Walnuts are the only nut with a significant amount of ellagic acid, a cancer-fighting antioxidant. They also help improve cholesterol.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Pivotal time in life?
I know that most of my posts are about exercise, food, motivation, etc. and I don't often get into a lot of my personal life, but this week seems to have become a very pivotal time in my life so I feel compelled to write about it. I knew all these events were coming and yet, I didn't realize until today how important they all really are.
My oldest daughter, Lindsay, and her wonderful guy, Andrew, got married on Saturday and it was beautiful and touching. My son, Erich officiated and did a wonderful job. Everything went smoothly with no problems on any front. It was great, even the weather at this outdoor wedding in the park. I am so very happy for them.
My youngest child, Kari, left Tuesday morning for Honduras. She is so brave and amazingly adventuresome. I admire that in her and wish I was stronger in that trait. Who knows, perhaps I will become more so.
My oldest child, Erich and his wife, KT, bought a house and had the closing this week. They are now officially homeowners and as Erich puts it, "able to make the rules." He grew up hearing, "When you live in our house you live by our rules; when you have your own house you get to make the rules." He has proudly pointed out that now he (and KT) get to make the rules. Ha! I love that guy.
Wow what a week! I've always considered that my job was to prepare my children for the future, to get them ready to leave home, and to live on their own. They have been taking steps toward that all along and now, wow. Huge steps for all of them and all within a four day window of time.
Now I plan to start focusing on new goals for me. What will they be?
Hmmmmmm. Seems it wasn't so long ago that I was thinking, "when I have time I want to..." and now I have time and none of the those things sound appealing any longer. But I haven't decided just yet what DOES sound appealing. Any suggestions?
Seems this is a pivotal week and I need to do some deep thinking.
My oldest daughter, Lindsay, and her wonderful guy, Andrew, got married on Saturday and it was beautiful and touching. My son, Erich officiated and did a wonderful job. Everything went smoothly with no problems on any front. It was great, even the weather at this outdoor wedding in the park. I am so very happy for them.
My youngest child, Kari, left Tuesday morning for Honduras. She is so brave and amazingly adventuresome. I admire that in her and wish I was stronger in that trait. Who knows, perhaps I will become more so.
My oldest child, Erich and his wife, KT, bought a house and had the closing this week. They are now officially homeowners and as Erich puts it, "able to make the rules." He grew up hearing, "When you live in our house you live by our rules; when you have your own house you get to make the rules." He has proudly pointed out that now he (and KT) get to make the rules. Ha! I love that guy.
Wow what a week! I've always considered that my job was to prepare my children for the future, to get them ready to leave home, and to live on their own. They have been taking steps toward that all along and now, wow. Huge steps for all of them and all within a four day window of time.
Now I plan to start focusing on new goals for me. What will they be?
- Spanish classes finally? I've talked about becoming fluent for so long I'm sure no one will ever believe this one.
- Re-working a tight budget to travel to Honduras soon?
- Start training for a fall marathon? Do I want to do another full marathon or are half marathons a better fit?
- I certainly have things like picture albums, etc. that I could do. But I don't hear them calling me just yet.
Hmmmmmm. Seems it wasn't so long ago that I was thinking, "when I have time I want to..." and now I have time and none of the those things sound appealing any longer. But I haven't decided just yet what DOES sound appealing. Any suggestions?
Seems this is a pivotal week and I need to do some deep thinking.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Bellin Run 2010
Tomorrow is the Bellin 10k run/walk. I'm excited because I have family coming to town to visit and participate in the big event. Pete and Carla with their littles, Lindsay my soon-to-be-wed daughter, my cousin and aunt are planning to come, my soon-to-depart-for-2-years-in-the-Peace-Corp daughter is here, Harry is home (yay!), my son & his wife who I thankfully get to see on a regular basis are going to be in it, lots of friends from the running club and church, you get the idea. A very "social" event for this social butterfly.
I think what has me the most pumped though is my friend from church, Amy and my daughter Lindsay.
Amy started walking in January with a goal of finishing the Bellin. I know she's had "life" challenge her training regimen (dad undergoing chemo, challenges at work, 2 littles & a hubby to care for) but she is registered and plans to walk it. I promised that after I finish running it, I'm going to find her and finish with her.
Lindsay signed up to walk the Bellin last year and ended up running the whole thing including a little puking at the end (of which she is very proud.) She's been working out, biking, running, dancing this past year and has improved her fitness level and her time incredibly. I'm excited for her and hope she has a great run tomorrow. She's going to rock the Bellin!
They both inspire me and I am so very proud of them.
Amy started walking in January with a goal of finishing the Bellin. I know she's had "life" challenge her training regimen (dad undergoing chemo, challenges at work, 2 littles & a hubby to care for) but she is registered and plans to walk it. I promised that after I finish running it, I'm going to find her and finish with her.
Lindsay signed up to walk the Bellin last year and ended up running the whole thing including a little puking at the end (of which she is very proud.) She's been working out, biking, running, dancing this past year and has improved her fitness level and her time incredibly. I'm excited for her and hope she has a great run tomorrow. She's going to rock the Bellin!
They both inspire me and I am so very proud of them.
Go Amy! Go Lindsay! You can do it!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Memorial Day vs Memory Day
As I think ahead to this holiday weekend I find myself bombarded with memories that touch both ends of the happiness scale. I am saddened at the loss of my Grandma this past year, but happy when I think of her easy to invoke laughter. I am soaring with joy as we celebrate my daughter's graduation, but it is tempered with both pride and sadness as I am reminded that she'll be leaving for two years in Honduras soon.
Suddenly it feels like Memorial Day isn't just about those who have already passed on to God's abundant life, but also about the events and people who have been in our lives and who have made us who we are today.
Perhaps not Memorial Day.... but Memory Day. Hmmmmmm - food for thought.
Bacher out.
Suddenly it feels like Memorial Day isn't just about those who have already passed on to God's abundant life, but also about the events and people who have been in our lives and who have made us who we are today.
Perhaps not Memorial Day.... but Memory Day. Hmmmmmm - food for thought.
Bacher out.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Biggest Loser comments and thoughts
I am tuned in to week 18 of the Biggest Loser. They have sent the final four home to their families and are recapping their original weigh ins in front of their friends and families. As I see their emotions as they went from pre-weight to current weight it brings tears to my eyes. I can relate to much of what they are feeling. My pre-weight and subsequent loss was not as dramatic as theirs, but the emotions of success and having a new life are still very real and fresh for me.
They have to run a marathon as their final challenge. They are learning how to eat in their "at home" world. Healthy food, healthy recipes, portion control.
"This is about you, it's not about them. Let's get out of here and get an early day in the gym."
"Once you decide you're worth it, you can do it."
"Once you ask for help you'll get everything you need."
One of the contestants struggles with eating at night because he is stressed out or worried about something. He realizes what he's doing but has a hard time stopping nonetheless.
My life is very different than it was five years ago in many ways. Healthy food and exercise are priorities now. Today I walked for an hour in the morning with a friend and then rode my bike over 13 miles in the afternoon on the way home from work. But I also sit here and fight eating because I'm bored, lonely, tired. Like the contestant, I recognize what I'm doing, but still fight it. For a long time it had gotten much easier, it is a tough period the past 5 months. Why? I don't know, but I'm fighting it and I'm not giving in, because I've worked too hard to get here, and I enjoy my new lifestyle, body and healthy choices.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Bacher out.
They have to run a marathon as their final challenge. They are learning how to eat in their "at home" world. Healthy food, healthy recipes, portion control.
"This is about you, it's not about them. Let's get out of here and get an early day in the gym."
"Once you decide you're worth it, you can do it."
"Once you ask for help you'll get everything you need."
One of the contestants struggles with eating at night because he is stressed out or worried about something. He realizes what he's doing but has a hard time stopping nonetheless.
My life is very different than it was five years ago in many ways. Healthy food and exercise are priorities now. Today I walked for an hour in the morning with a friend and then rode my bike over 13 miles in the afternoon on the way home from work. But I also sit here and fight eating because I'm bored, lonely, tired. Like the contestant, I recognize what I'm doing, but still fight it. For a long time it had gotten much easier, it is a tough period the past 5 months. Why? I don't know, but I'm fighting it and I'm not giving in, because I've worked too hard to get here, and I enjoy my new lifestyle, body and healthy choices.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Bacher out.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
DDPP - 80 minutes of unleashed dancing glory!
When I was in Minneapolis last week for Kari's graduation from the U, Lindsay (alias DJ Lux) took me with her to Dance Dance Party Party (DDPP) for a fun night. It's held every Thursday night - and here's the deal: No booze, no boys, no judgement (especially no judging yourself!) and no talking.
Just 80 minutes of unleashed dancing glory. It was great exercise and tons of fun. What a great group of dancing gals who I look forward to seeing again in June!
Like Daughter, Like Mother
Posted on May 7, 2010 by ddpptwincities
It’s almost Mother’s Day. Some people buy their moms flowers, others take them out for a nice dinner. But DJ Lux decided to give her mom a big bouquet of booty shakin’.
That’s right; tonight DJ Lux came with Mama Lux in tow. And you know what? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; Mama Lux shook it, both by herself and with her daughter (which was freakin’ adorable!). I’m so proud of her, I was thinking of getting this tattoo to commemorate her awesomeness:
And it only got better, because DJ Lux cranked out another 80 minutes of incredible dance tunes. Some were shout outs to her mom, and all of them got us ladies in the groove. So ladies, if you want to give your mom something special, give her the gift of dance. Thanks again, DJ Lux! You are a three-scoop sundae of wonderful!
Tune in next week, when we have special Chicago DDPP DJ Sex Frosting working the tables. Not only that, but DJ Lux’s sister and dance vet extraordinaire, Kari, will be making a final appearance before she leaves us for Honduras. Let’s show them a warm welcome and fond goodbye next week!
Until then, the mix any mother would be proud of:
Filed under: Uncategorized
Sunday, May 2, 2010
1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty?
There is much discussion and theorizing about our view on life according to how we rate what is left in our glass. Is it half full or is it half empty? Well I tend to be a half full kind of gal when it comes to how I view life, but when I was trying to decide if I should run a 1/2 marathon instead of the full... well let's just say I really struggled. My glass was half empty when it came to running the half instead of the full.
I've been struggling with achilles tendon problems for at least 4 or 5 months now and it hurts. A lot. It hurts a lot, much of the time. I thought maybe I wasn't tough enough and I just needed to push through it. For some reason it just seemed like running only 13.1 miles wasn't good enough! The glass was half empty, after all I did a full 26.2 last October and I should be able to do it again, darn it!
Well yesterday during our training run I made the decision that I would do the 1/2 Marathon rather than the full. I know I can do it. I won't feel like crap when I'm done. In fact a couple weeks ago after running 16 miles I felt down right chipper. After the 20 miler however, I felt dead tired for a whole week. 13.1 is the right decision. The half is good and I'm at peace with my decision.
13.1 is half full, not half empty and life is good once again.
Bacher out.
I've been struggling with achilles tendon problems for at least 4 or 5 months now and it hurts. A lot. It hurts a lot, much of the time. I thought maybe I wasn't tough enough and I just needed to push through it. For some reason it just seemed like running only 13.1 miles wasn't good enough! The glass was half empty, after all I did a full 26.2 last October and I should be able to do it again, darn it!
Well yesterday during our training run I made the decision that I would do the 1/2 Marathon rather than the full. I know I can do it. I won't feel like crap when I'm done. In fact a couple weeks ago after running 16 miles I felt down right chipper. After the 20 miler however, I felt dead tired for a whole week. 13.1 is the right decision. The half is good and I'm at peace with my decision.
13.1 is half full, not half empty and life is good once again.
Bacher out.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Many Calories Do I Need To Eat????
The Weight Watchers program is centered around a points system and lately I've been thinking a lot about how many CALORIES things have vs. their points. So I decided to do a little research about how many calories I can eat each day and either A) maintain my weight or B) lose weight. It's a lot less than I thought it would be! No wonder that old scale goes up and down like a yo-yo sometimes.
Want to know how many calories you can eat and maintain your current weight? Here's an easy to use calculator to give you a hand.
BTW - it's nice to know that you get 7 radishes for ONLY 15 calories. Nice.
Bacher out.
Want to know how many calories you can eat and maintain your current weight? Here's an easy to use calculator to give you a hand.
BTW - it's nice to know that you get 7 radishes for ONLY 15 calories. Nice.
Bacher out.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Being In Control
I think feeling that we are "in control" of what we are eating is a big deal to most of us. I know it is to me and this past week I am feeling much more in control of what I put in my mouth. I'm remembering to ask myself, "Are you hungry?" and I'm doing MUCH better about not eating for the sake of eating in the evenings. I actually went to bed feeling a smidge hungry the other night! Haven't done THAT in a long time.
Oddly enough when I'm in control of what I eat, I also feel in better control of other areas of my life. So which comes first - control in life or control in eating? The chicken or the egg? Perhaps it's just an overall mindset and general feeling, kind of like an internal compass.
I'll have to ponder that one for awhile. Thoughts anyone?
Oddly enough when I'm in control of what I eat, I also feel in better control of other areas of my life. So which comes first - control in life or control in eating? The chicken or the egg? Perhaps it's just an overall mindset and general feeling, kind of like an internal compass.
I'll have to ponder that one for awhile. Thoughts anyone?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Filling the Emptiness
Today is Easter Sunday and it was a very good day. Church, family, friends, a walk in the sunshine. It was a good day. Pastor Greg was talking this morning about the empty tomb and that often we try to fill the emptiness in our lives with "stuff". Alcohol, shopping, drugs, etc. As he was saying those words, my friend who was sitting next to me and I looked at each other and smiled, because for both of us, it's food. And we both know it.
I've always said that knowledge is power. So does knowing that food is my crutch, my so-called drug, my sometime frienemy, make it any easier not to use it as such? Sometimes. To be completely honest, sometimes knowing helps and sometimes it doesn't make a smidge of difference. At least that's been the case in the past.
I'd like to think that recognizing what I'm doing and facing it WILL make a difference in the future. This is the first that I've been this brutally honest about it, and I think it will make a difference in the future. I have to face the issues that are really causing the feelings of emptiness and learn to deal with those. Then the rest should fall into place.
I'll keep you posted. In the meantime I ran 18 miles yesterday training for the upcoming Cellcom Marathon. It went better than I anticipated, but I was glad when we finished. Only a little over a month until the event - it'll be here before I know. I think we have two 20 mile training runs and a couple scaled back runs between now and then.
Bacher out.
I've always said that knowledge is power. So does knowing that food is my crutch, my so-called drug, my sometime frienemy, make it any easier not to use it as such? Sometimes. To be completely honest, sometimes knowing helps and sometimes it doesn't make a smidge of difference. At least that's been the case in the past.
I'd like to think that recognizing what I'm doing and facing it WILL make a difference in the future. This is the first that I've been this brutally honest about it, and I think it will make a difference in the future. I have to face the issues that are really causing the feelings of emptiness and learn to deal with those. Then the rest should fall into place.
I'll keep you posted. In the meantime I ran 18 miles yesterday training for the upcoming Cellcom Marathon. It went better than I anticipated, but I was glad when we finished. Only a little over a month until the event - it'll be here before I know. I think we have two 20 mile training runs and a couple scaled back runs between now and then.
Bacher out.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Portion Control!
I am no longer leading my own WW meetings due to a conflict at work. So last night I went to Deb Nockert's meeting just like the old days. I really needed to go back and listen. I miss leading a meeting - but more so I miss the weekly reminder that this will always be something I will have to pay attention to.
The topic this week was on portion control. She did a great job of visually showing us with the scale and the measuring cups how important it is to use them. Some items the group under guessed and some over. Underestimated the points/quantities of bagel and wine but found we could have more peas than first expected. Definitely areas that can get us into trouble when estimated incorrectly.
So this week my friends - pull out the measuring cups and the food scales. Just for shits and giggles weigh your food. Measure your food. Look at the labels on the items and SEE what a portion size is supposed to be and then actually measure it out. Let me know if you have any eye-openers. I'll bet you will!
And by the way - if you measure out a portion and it's more than your tummy has room for. You don't HAVE to eat it all. I'm just sayin'.
The topic this week was on portion control. She did a great job of visually showing us with the scale and the measuring cups how important it is to use them. Some items the group under guessed and some over. Underestimated the points/quantities of bagel and wine but found we could have more peas than first expected. Definitely areas that can get us into trouble when estimated incorrectly.
So this week my friends - pull out the measuring cups and the food scales. Just for shits and giggles weigh your food. Measure your food. Look at the labels on the items and SEE what a portion size is supposed to be and then actually measure it out. Let me know if you have any eye-openers. I'll bet you will!
And by the way - if you measure out a portion and it's more than your tummy has room for. You don't HAVE to eat it all. I'm just sayin'.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sufficiently buzzed on caffeine...accountable to others
I had a breakfast meeting at a local coffee shop this morning. After we finished I stuck around drinking coffee and enjoying working away from the office. It's fun the number of laptops that are in action here as people work, chat, meet and do business in an alternate setting.
I've been here long enough that the cookies started calling to me across the dining room, however I promised Amy that I'd email her my food diary this week. So, I started a draft of my food journal and not wanting to add a coffee house cookie to the list, resisted the temptation. There is definitely something to be said for holding yourself accountable to others at various points in time.
My daughter, Lindsay, had a great post on her blog recently that I found to be just what I needed to help re-charge my resolve. I like the reference to fuzzy mind when she doesn't work out. I also get very antsy if I don't exercise.
Well, I think I am sufficiently buzzed on caffeine now that I am ready to attack the rest of the day.
Find someone to hold you accountable. It works wonders, I promise.
I've been here long enough that the cookies started calling to me across the dining room, however I promised Amy that I'd email her my food diary this week. So, I started a draft of my food journal and not wanting to add a coffee house cookie to the list, resisted the temptation. There is definitely something to be said for holding yourself accountable to others at various points in time.
My daughter, Lindsay, had a great post on her blog recently that I found to be just what I needed to help re-charge my resolve. I like the reference to fuzzy mind when she doesn't work out. I also get very antsy if I don't exercise.
Well, I think I am sufficiently buzzed on caffeine now that I am ready to attack the rest of the day.
Find someone to hold you accountable. It works wonders, I promise.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Recently the Green Bay Running Club met at House of Speed for an overview of their services and a short informative work out on ways to improve our performance. It was really educational and we learned a lot. One of the areas we focused on was balance and strengthening our core.
I have found myself contemplating the topic of balance quite often lately. While the House of Speed showed us ways we can strengthen and improve our physical balance, my mind cannot ignore that balance is key in many areas including but not limited to mental, spiritual, nutritional, and financial and they ALL impact your daily performance at work, home and in sports.
I'm thinking of ways to challenge myself and grow my knowledge regarding balance in all those areas. Sounds like a revamping of goals is in order.
I have found myself contemplating the topic of balance quite often lately. While the House of Speed showed us ways we can strengthen and improve our physical balance, my mind cannot ignore that balance is key in many areas including but not limited to mental, spiritual, nutritional, and financial and they ALL impact your daily performance at work, home and in sports.
I'm thinking of ways to challenge myself and grow my knowledge regarding balance in all those areas. Sounds like a revamping of goals is in order.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sweets for your Sweet
Hey everyone!
Valentine's Day coming I'd like to suggest a couple sweets for your sweet. Here are a few that caught my eye as either "fun" or exceptionally "yummy" looking. Some came from HungryGirl.com and others I picked up along the way hither and thither. Enjoy!
PER SERVING (1 pudding cup + 1/2 tbsp. dip): 97 calories, 1.25g fat, 147mg sodium, 17.5g carbs, 3g fiber, 9g sugars, 4g protein -- POINTS® value 1*
Rice pudding is awesome, sweet, and creamy on its own, but we like to kick things up a notch. Scoop a spoonful of thatcaramel dip we love so much onto one of your pudding cups (um, AFTER you've opened the pudding pack, of course). Swirl in said caramel goo, and eat! A-MAZING!
Valentine's Day coming I'd like to suggest a couple sweets for your sweet. Here are a few that caught my eye as either "fun" or exceptionally "yummy" looking. Some came from HungryGirl.com and others I picked up along the way hither and thither. Enjoy!
Strawberry Cheesecake Bites
8 oz package fat free cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
44 medium strawberries, whole
1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
In a small mixing bowl, beat together the cream cheese, sugar and lemon juice until smooth and creamy, set aside. Using a paring knife, hollow out the top of each strawberry to a depth or approximately 3/4". Gently fill each with cream cheese mixture using a pastry bag just slightly above the tops. Place them on a cookie sheet as you do this. Once all of the strawberries are filled, dip each top into the graham cracker crumbs and place back onto the cookie sheets. Place the cookie sheets into the refrigerator and leave them for a few hours or overnight to completely chill.
4 strawberries= 1 point
Lonna's Hot Fudge Sundae
Edy's 1/2 the Fat Double Churned Vanilla (or Choc) Ice Cream
Hot Fudge or Chocolate Sugar Free, Fat Free cooked pudding.
Lonna makes the pudding ahead of time and puts it in portion size cups. Then when she's ready for dessert she reheats one serving (1/2 cup) of the pudding and pours it over a serving of ice cream (1/2 cup) for a yummylicious finish to dinner.
I don't recall the points right off-hand so you'll need to double check them, but I think it was about 3.
Goo-licious Carmel Goodness!
I selected this next one because my daughter Kari is such a fan of Rice Pudding. It comes from HungryGirl.com and sounds like a really yummy combo. I plan to give it a go that's for sure!
Kozy Shack No Sugar Added Rice Pudding + Light or Fat Free Caramel Dip = Goo-licious Caramel Goodness
PER SERVING (1 pudding cup + 1/2 tbsp. dip): 97 calories, 1.25g fat, 147mg sodium, 17.5g carbs, 3g fiber, 9g sugars, 4g protein -- POINTS® value 1*
Rice pudding is awesome, sweet, and creamy on its own, but we like to kick things up a notch. Scoop a spoonful of thatcaramel dip we love so much onto one of your pudding cups (um, AFTER you've opened the pudding pack, of course). Swirl in said caramel goo, and eat! A-MAZING!
Butterfinger Delight
4.5 Chocolate Graham Cracker Sheets
1 (8 oz.) Container Fat Free Whipped Topping
1 (2 oz.) Butterfinger Candy Bar, crushed
1/4 Cup Hershey's Light Chocolate Syrup
1/4 Cup Smucker's Sugar Free Caramel Topping
1 (8 oz.) Container Fat Free Whipped Topping
1 (2 oz.) Butterfinger Candy Bar, crushed
1/4 Cup Hershey's Light Chocolate Syrup
1/4 Cup Smucker's Sugar Free Caramel Topping
Lay the chocolate graham cracker sheets into the bottom of an 8x8 inch pan. Mix together the whipped topping with half of the Butterfinger. Spread the cool whip mixture over the graham crackers. Drizzle both the chocolate syrup and caramel syrup on top of the whipped topping. Sprinkle the remaining half of the Butterfinger on top. Freeze for at least 4 hours.
Serves: 8
Per Serving: 146 Calories; 2g Fat (14.3% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 29g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 105mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Lean Meat; 0 Fat; 1 Other Carbohydrates. WWP: 3
Per Serving: 146 Calories; 2g Fat (14.3% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 29g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 105mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Lean Meat; 0 Fat; 1 Other Carbohydrates. WWP: 3
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Amish Friendship Bread and Chicken Soup
Last week a friend at church had an extra bag of the starter dough for Amish Friendship Bread. You know, the kind where you "mush" the bag for a few days, add some flour and sugar, mush it for a few more days and then on the magical day number 9 you add some more stuff, split some out for friends and then bake a couple loaves after adding a lot more stuff to it.
Well I wasn't too sure I wanted the starter bag to begin with, but I took it and did my mushing. It's not supposed to be refrigerated, so on the way home I even took it into the gym with me so it wouldn't sit in the car during zero degree weather. I took wonderful care of my bag! Well today is day #9 and this morning I woke up to a small pool of batter on the kitchen counter. I had planned to do my baking this evening, but the process was accelerated and the loaves are in the oven as I type.
This morning I put SO much sugar and oil into this bread that I could feel the pounds coming on as I measured them out! I'm somewhat afraid of the moment that the hot, cinnamon-y bread exits the oven. I'm going to want some and am afraid I won't be able to stop at just one piece.
I need a plan - that's it! I'll play it out in my mind what is best for me and what my actions will be. Okay, I'll eat breakfast while it's baking so when it starts smelling delicious I am not hungry. Then after it comes out of the oven, I'll immediately leave for work so I'm not tempted to dig in. I'm leaving tomorrow to go visit my daughters in Minneapolis (Yay! I love visiting my daughters!) so I'll take it with me and we'll all enjoy it together. That will help tremendously, I'm sure of it. And it will be a nice surprise for them.... unless they happen to read my blog before I arrive, then the jig is up.
On a healthier note - last night I made a big pot of chicken vegetable soup. The flavors have melded all night long and I'm looking forward to a bowl for lunch. Yummy! And healthy.
This is my life. It feels like having an angel and a devil on each shoulder. Sometimes I confuse the angels. I guess that makes me human.
Betty Crocker out.
Well I wasn't too sure I wanted the starter bag to begin with, but I took it and did my mushing. It's not supposed to be refrigerated, so on the way home I even took it into the gym with me so it wouldn't sit in the car during zero degree weather. I took wonderful care of my bag! Well today is day #9 and this morning I woke up to a small pool of batter on the kitchen counter. I had planned to do my baking this evening, but the process was accelerated and the loaves are in the oven as I type.
This morning I put SO much sugar and oil into this bread that I could feel the pounds coming on as I measured them out! I'm somewhat afraid of the moment that the hot, cinnamon-y bread exits the oven. I'm going to want some and am afraid I won't be able to stop at just one piece.
I need a plan - that's it! I'll play it out in my mind what is best for me and what my actions will be. Okay, I'll eat breakfast while it's baking so when it starts smelling delicious I am not hungry. Then after it comes out of the oven, I'll immediately leave for work so I'm not tempted to dig in. I'm leaving tomorrow to go visit my daughters in Minneapolis (Yay! I love visiting my daughters!) so I'll take it with me and we'll all enjoy it together. That will help tremendously, I'm sure of it. And it will be a nice surprise for them.... unless they happen to read my blog before I arrive, then the jig is up.
On a healthier note - last night I made a big pot of chicken vegetable soup. The flavors have melded all night long and I'm looking forward to a bowl for lunch. Yummy! And healthy.
This is my life. It feels like having an angel and a devil on each shoulder. Sometimes I confuse the angels. I guess that makes me human.
Betty Crocker out.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Be Prepared!
I am extremely busy this week and see my good and wonderful eating habits falling to the wayside. What's with that!?! Reminder to self:
My body needs excellent fuel and adequate rest right now in order to perform in the manner I need it to.
Okay - I've been reminded. Now I'm off to eat a healthy breakfast and pack a nutritional lunch so I can do the things efficiently that I need to do.
Bacher out.
My body needs excellent fuel and adequate rest right now in order to perform in the manner I need it to.
Okay - I've been reminded. Now I'm off to eat a healthy breakfast and pack a nutritional lunch so I can do the things efficiently that I need to do.
Bacher out.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Marathon Training time
It's Marathon training time! I've signed up for another one - and yes, perhaps I'm a tad bonkers. Rose asked if running a marathon is like giving birth in that you quickly forget the pain. She said, "weren't you crying last time?" Yes, I did. I cried at mile 23. I was very tired and I wanted to FINISH. However, I pushed through (with encouragement) and I finished. Just as I went on and gave birth to two more children after Erich. Women are tough, a topic for another day.
Today the training runs for the Cellcom Marathon started and over 200 people were there, which is great. I've signed up to run the full marathon and am excited to get started. It's nice to have a plan and a goal to work towards. Today I will print out the training schedule so I can make sure my weekday activity supports my weekend long runs. I've found that it's all very do-able and attainable over time if you make a plan for success and then work the plan. Sounds a lot like weight loss now doesn't it? Hmmmmm - make a plan and then work the plan.
By the way, I'm filling out my food tracker this week. I need a jumpstart because I'm up 5 pounds since November and it's time to get it in check. I promised my members I would because it DOES make a difference. So I'm tracking this week.
Sounds like the key to doing just about anything in life successfully. Make a plan and then work the plan. Okay, we've got the plan...now let's work it!
Bacher out.
Today the training runs for the Cellcom Marathon started and over 200 people were there, which is great. I've signed up to run the full marathon and am excited to get started. It's nice to have a plan and a goal to work towards. Today I will print out the training schedule so I can make sure my weekday activity supports my weekend long runs. I've found that it's all very do-able and attainable over time if you make a plan for success and then work the plan. Sounds a lot like weight loss now doesn't it? Hmmmmm - make a plan and then work the plan.
By the way, I'm filling out my food tracker this week. I need a jumpstart because I'm up 5 pounds since November and it's time to get it in check. I promised my members I would because it DOES make a difference. So I'm tracking this week.
Sounds like the key to doing just about anything in life successfully. Make a plan and then work the plan. Okay, we've got the plan...now let's work it!
Bacher out.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Biggest Loser comments and thoughts
Comments on tonight's Biggest Loser that I liked.
"I'm tired of being emotional about my weight. It's time to do something about it."
"It's the gym! Wow it's the gym. Oh, dear Lord... it's the gym"
"26.2 miles! Are you kidding me?"
"Being one of the two teams that goes home is not an option."
Stand up and finish what you started.
If you don't do what you need to do....
Don't let things get the best of you right now.
A drive thru diet at Taco Bell? This was a commercial that was on during the show...get real!
I don't know about you, but I cannot imagine losing 30 pounds in ONE week! Keep it in perspective my friends that this is their full-time job while they are there. That's all they do is live and breathe what they are telling them to. In real life it comes off slower and that's okay. Just make sure you have realistic expectations for yourself. Then stick to it and persevere!
Let's do it!
"I'm tired of being emotional about my weight. It's time to do something about it."
"It's the gym! Wow it's the gym. Oh, dear Lord... it's the gym"
"26.2 miles! Are you kidding me?"
"Being one of the two teams that goes home is not an option."
Stand up and finish what you started.
If you don't do what you need to do....
Don't let things get the best of you right now.
A drive thru diet at Taco Bell? This was a commercial that was on during the show...get real!
I don't know about you, but I cannot imagine losing 30 pounds in ONE week! Keep it in perspective my friends that this is their full-time job while they are there. That's all they do is live and breathe what they are telling them to. In real life it comes off slower and that's okay. Just make sure you have realistic expectations for yourself. Then stick to it and persevere!
Let's do it!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Tromping through the snow
This afternoon Harry and I bundled up in warm clothes, mittens and sorel boots and went out to Barkhausen to walk the snow covered trails.
Several observations:
Encountered a lady who appeared to be playing out a New Year's resolution as she tackled the cross country ski trails for the first time ever. She was alone and plugging away at it. Saw her again in the parking lot and with glowing cheeks she was very happy with her accomplishment. Yay for her!
The trails are very peaceful and quite enjoyable during the winter despite the brisk, cold wind.
It's easier for men to take a leak in the woods than it is for women. Good thing it was Harry that had to go and not me.
My fingers got chilly even though I had on a heavy pair of gloves over top of my cheapies.
I didn't let my runny nose get in the way of fun.
I am resolved to check out the Fox River Trail one day this next week and see if it's walkable in this weather.
Harry said it was very enjoyable outside even though this is the time of year we tend to disparage the most.
January 1 is a great day to look forward and not back.
Overall, a crackerjack New Year's day. We both totally enjoyed it.
Several observations:
Encountered a lady who appeared to be playing out a New Year's resolution as she tackled the cross country ski trails for the first time ever. She was alone and plugging away at it. Saw her again in the parking lot and with glowing cheeks she was very happy with her accomplishment. Yay for her!
The trails are very peaceful and quite enjoyable during the winter despite the brisk, cold wind.
It's easier for men to take a leak in the woods than it is for women. Good thing it was Harry that had to go and not me.
My fingers got chilly even though I had on a heavy pair of gloves over top of my cheapies.
I didn't let my runny nose get in the way of fun.
I am resolved to check out the Fox River Trail one day this next week and see if it's walkable in this weather.
Harry said it was very enjoyable outside even though this is the time of year we tend to disparage the most.
January 1 is a great day to look forward and not back.
Overall, a crackerjack New Year's day. We both totally enjoyed it.
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